Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Develop Python, Task Automation And Web Scraping Scripts


I am a full stack web developer with over 5 years of experience with python and i have been working on command line projects, scrapping tools, Web crawlers, as well as data base applications with python.

Do you need a python script?

If yes then this package is for you. I will develope any python script you want and in case its a scrapping tool i will also create diferent exportation formats like .xls , HTML, JSON, XML, YAML, ..etc.

In case its an automation script, I will help in the configuration of cron jobs.

What you will get in this package

  1. Clean and commented code.
  2. Python3 code.
  3. Export the files to any format.



very good, good communication, gettin the job done fast.

: : : :

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